Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Celebrate the Victories

Photo credits: Pexels

Celebrate the Victories

This message is to the destiny seekers. That valiant, brilliant group of people who want more than the status quo. This message is for you.

Dream fulfillment looks like different things to different people. No two people have exactly the same dream, and they aren’t supposed to. For each person’s journey is different, at times if only by minute portions. Even when we want something that is similar to what someone else has or is doing, it will never be exactly the same, because the nuances of our lives are not the same. It is those subtle nuances that make the difference in who we are able to reach, what we are able to do, and how we are able to do it. The nuances are part of the divine plan.

One thing that is important to know and to remember is that we are all proceeding on this journey from varied starting points. Our backgrounds, our experiences or lack thereof, our finances, our time, our obligations are not necessarily the same as the next person’s. With this in mind, all of the experiences and challenges we start with become part of the intricate weaving that will ultimately be the path we take to destiny fulfillment.

No one knows exactly what your specific situations or circumstances are…and they don’t need to. The danger in comparing yourself to someone else or letting others dictate to you how to run your race, is the fact we are not starting from the same place. The person who is not paying their own bills could potentially have far more resources available to them when it comes time to making monetary steps in the process. The person who doesn’t work may have way more time on hand than the single parent juggling three jobs to make ends meet. The empty-nester may be able to network much more than the person who is still raising small or school-aged children. My point is, start where you are.

Destiny fulfillment doesn’t just happen. It is a series of systematic steps, taken one at a time, to get you to an expected end. Each day the goal is to do something towards making your dreams come true. If all you have is an extra five minutes to spend promoting, making a connection, or doing research, that is okay. Give what you have, in the way that you can. If all you have in your budget is $5 to spare, don’t get frustrated with the smallness of the amount. Put the $5 aside and keep adding to it, knowing that every deposit adds up. Eventually, you’ll look up and have more than you realize. Never be afraid to ask someone questions or research a product or service, even if you think it’s not in your immediate future to be able to utilize it. At least by having the information on hand you’ll know what to work towards. In other words, don’t despise your day of small beginnings.

Just because the next person seems to be going at Road Runner speeds to get where they are going, doesn’t mean that you need to discount the fact that you are moving at a turtle’s pace to get to a similar end. Remember, our circumstances may not be the same as the next person’s. It’s not a competition. It’s also not a race. It’s more like a marathon. In a marathon, there are many winners. In fact, everyone who crosses the finish line is a winner, no matter how long it took him or her to get there. Each person running the distance has their own individual set of circumstances to contend with in order to make reaching the finish line a reality.

Destiny fulfillment is that way. There will be many steps to take to reach the ultimate goal. There may be setbacks, obstacles, and wrong directions taken. None of what you go through on the journey is in vain. It’s all part of the process. There are lessons to be learned in the pitfalls of life. Get what you need to get, hopefully the first time, and move on to the next series of lessons and tests life wants to throw your way.

Don’t waste your time waiting on perfect circumstances. Beloved, perfect does not exist. Start where you are with what you have available…now. The great thing about life is when you make a commitment to do a certain thing, what you need on your path appears. In fact, it’s been on your destiny path waiting on you to get there all along. As you continue to take steps, eventually you’ll cross paths with exactly what you need, at the time that you need it. Let that be an encouragement to you.

Celebrate your victories along the way. Pat yourself on the back for getting out there and doing what you can. Each day, each step, each decision that affirms the dream, puts you one step closer. At some point you’ll find that the supernatural power of God comes on your efforts to propel you farther along as you keep on the path. What does this mean for you? It means that the little money you saved will stretch farther than you thought it could. It means that resources and materials that you needed but thought you couldn’t afford will come to be within your reach. It means all the things that seemed like obstacles are no longer the roadblocks they appeared to be.

Be encouraged, Beloved, and keep doing the best you can, where you are, right now! No effort, no matter how big or how small, is in vain. You are worth the effort it takes to make your dreams come true. You are worth every step you have to make in order to fulfill the destiny that lives inside of you!

Changing lives one word at a time…Tumika Patrice Cain


Tumika Patrice Cain is an award-winning author, media personality, and motivational speaker. Through her imprint, Inkscriptions Publishing & Media Group, she provides high quality, affordable, mentor-based publishing services to indie authors, as well as inspired, empowering messages of hope and abundance through her media outlets. Her works can be found in many publications, including Fresh Lifestyle Magazine. To learn more about Tumika, her books, and her services visit the following websites. http://www.TumikaPatrice.com and http://www.InkscriptionsPMG.com