Friday, June 7, 2013

Just "F" It!

Photo credits: Pexels

Just "F" It!

“It’s about time you start using more “F” words in your day!  FREEDOM is the best “F” word!  FAVOR is another! FAITH is the linchpin!  “F” it!” ~ Sandy Krakowski

When I saw this post on Facebook today my immediate reaction was to burst out laughing….thinking the whole time… I love this!  Then I started thinking and wondering how many more liberating “F” words are there to add to our daily vocabulary, actions, and attitudes that will empower us to fulfill our personal greatness.

Forgive – Though forgiveness can be a hard one to put into practice, it is absolutely necessary if we ever want to reach the next level.  Many times we make the mistake of thinking that forgiving means that we are excusing the person of the offending behavior.  Quite the contrary.  When we forgive, we are releasing ourselves from the spirit of offense so that the person no longer has any power over us.  As I write this, I am a mere 24 hours out of one of the worst betrayals I have experienced in my life.  You think when you give your all to a situation that you will come out on top and be appreciated by those whom you have helped.  You never think that they will turn the table and stab you in the back.  But even in the midst of that….”F” it!  Nothing that has happened is worth my not making it where I am en route to – and nothing is worth you not making it either.  So to each of them….I say “I forgive you and I am keeping it moving.  Best wishes to all of you!”

Fun – There is a time for everything under the sun is what the Bible tells us.  There is a time to be serious and there is a time for fun!  There is lots of good, clean fun to be had here on earth, if we just let ourselves experience it.  What makes you laugh?  What makes your heart feel light?  Well….then go on ahead and do it!  Have some fun.  After all….a merry heart is good medicine!

Forget – Replaying events from your past keeps you stuck in what happened.  Our latter shall be greater than our former, but not if we continue to keep living in the past.  An occasional reminisce of the good of yesteryear is effective in keeping gratitude close at hand.  It is also a tool that we use to keep our minds and hearts full of faith as we are awaiting manifestation.  On the other hand, replaying times of pain and sadness in your life will take your spirit to a low place.  It’s like reliving it all over again.  Who needs that kind of pain again?  So do yourself a favor and just “F”-agetabout it!

Frivolity – It is just good sense to do something for yourself sometimes that is just plain frivolous.  We all need a little pick me up from time to time.  Even God gives us what we might see as small and not very meaningful just to make us happy.  A piece of your favorite candy; a massage; a cold lemonade while basking in the sun.  There is nothing wrong in taking a little time out for yourself and doing something not so serious for a while.

Focus – Being clear about what you want and the path you take to get there will help you to focus your sights on the target.  Do like racehorses and wear blinders to help keep the distractions out of view so that you may reach the finish line.  You’ll be glad that you did.

Fine tune – Sometimes we are spread too thin.  While having many gifts and goals is a great thing.  It may not be the best idea to try and do everything all at once.  There are times and seasons for every purpose.  Figure out which season you are in and function in that place.  And if you don’t know how to figure it out just…..

Fast – Having a regular fasting and prayer life will help keep fleshly reactions at bay.  If it seems like you just can’t get where you want to go or that there is something in the way of your answer, a simple fast may be just the thing you need to clear the channels so that you may hear more clearly and get solid direction for your life.

Family – We don’t get to choose our families, but there is still something there to learn and glean no matter how dysfunctional they may seem.  If you can come away from each experience having learned something….even if it was what NOT to do….it was not wasted time.  And remember not to get so busy being busy that you forget to tell those you love “I love you!”

Friends – For those fortunate enough to have the privilege of real friends, count your blessings.  Many of us have friends that seem more like family than our relatives…and that is okay.  Spend time with your friends and pour into those relationships.  They are in your life for a reason…don’t forget to let them know that you are GLAD about it!

And back to Sandy’s original list:

Freedom – Any opportunity you have to shed the baggage of your past, go ahead and just do it!  We have received the gift of Freedom in Christ and there is no reason for us to be bound.  Pinpoint those areas of your life where you are still not free and start putting effective practices in place to allow your wings room to expand so that you may fly!

Favor – Favor is the gift of God that allows us to be accelerated to the head of the line.  It is that power that makes people do things for you that they normally might not and certainly would not for anyone else.  And while favor may not be fair, it is just.  Only God knows  where you’ve been and all the strides you have taken to live your life according to his plan.  So when you are shown favor, make no apologies for it.  However…to whom much is given, much is required.  Just as someone reached beyond their comfort zone and helped you, keep your eyes, ears and hearts open to bless those who he will send your way with the sole purpose for YOU to extend FAVOR!

Faith – We all think we walk by faith until a situation comes up where he tells you to make a move and you see no set provision in place to meet your needs.  Whether you choose to step out or stay in the safety of the familiar will tell you where your faith walk really is.  Know that your faith will be tested.  It’s not that God needs to see where your faith is – He already knows, but He needs you to see where it is.  Sometimes you have grown so much he just wants you to see how far you’ve grown and give you a pat on the back.  Sometimes you are not as far as you think you are and he just wants to help you strengthen that area.  Either way…it is all good and all for your benefit.  So go ahead and do that thing he is telling you to do…even if you don’t see a way or know how it will work out for you.  When you make the first step He will reveal the provisions that are already there waiting on you.  And as you take additional steps, even more will be revealed.

Go ahead and make today a great day….ON PURPOSE!  And while you’re at it, whatever situation you find yourself in remember to just “F” it!

Changing lives one word at a time…Tumika Patrice Cain


Tumika Patrice Cain is an award-winning author, media personality, and motivational speaker. Through her imprint, Inkscriptions Publishing & Media Group, she provides high quality, affordable, mentor-based publishing services to indie authors, as well as inspired, empowering messages of hope and abundance through her media outlets. Her works can be found in many publications, including Fresh Lifestyle Magazine. To learn more about Tumika, her books, and her services visit the following websites. and

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