Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Are You a Rider?

Photo credit: Pexels

Are You A Rider?

Many men throw away the chance of having a real, lasting relationship with a faithful, loyal woman, who would genuinely love and want to be with them, through manipulation and unrealistic expectations.

Too often I see men living in a fantasy world where the woman, or women, in their lives are expected to be led around by the nose blindly doing whatever it is he requires of her. If she asks questions, she’s not submissive. If she speaks her mind, she is too strong and is told to shut up. If she won’t do something that compromises her integrity, self-respect or safety, she is not a rider. These same men who ask, require, demand the woman to do as he says will in the same breath, and without a heartbeat, leave her at the drop of a hat. The moment she doesn’t jump through any of his hoops, there’s the lingering threat of ‘do you want me to cheat on you?’ left over her head. Truth is, if he’s going to cheat, he will do that regardless of what that woman will or will not do for him. He requires a level of servitude and loyalty that he does not return to anyone.  And this is the fantasy….that everyone on earth is here just to meet his needs, wants and desires, despite how or what it may cost another person to do it.

To this, I say, he is not worth it. For someone who cares about you will never ask you to sacrifice who you are, your morals, your self respect, or your values to satisfy some selfish desire that he has.  Love esteems the other person higher than themselves. Love is faithful, it’s ongoing, it’s committed. Love doesn’t bail at the first sign of trouble.  Love seeks not its own.

To all the brilliant, beautiful, kind, sincere women who are waiting on love to find them, don’t be lured into the trap of ‘right now’ just because you may be lonely or alone. Don’t feel like you have no choice but to do whatever some guy says just to have someone filling your bed and taking up space in your life. If you can’t look yourself in the mirror or his words are demeaning, degrading and tear away at your self esteem, truly, you are better left alone. There is someone out there who would never ask you to compromise who you are just to be with him. Wait for that one. Keep working on you. Love yourself enough to walk away from situations that could prove dangerous, deadly even. For a man who wears away at your self esteem and self worth, is a dangerous man, indeed, and you have worked entirely too hard to get where you are to let someone strip you of your worth and your power.  Be wise!

The next time someone asks “are you a rider?” perhaps the answer is not simply a yes or no response, but instead a return question of “where are you trying to take me?”  Every ‘trip’ is not worth the time or expense it takes to travel.

Changing lives one word at a time…Tumika Patrice Cain 

Tumika Patrice Cain is an award-winning author, media personality, and motivational speaker. Through her imprint, Inkscriptions Publishing & Media Group, she provides high quality, affordable, mentor-based publishing services to indie authors, as well as inspired, empowering messages of hope and abundance through her media outlets. Her works can be found in many publications, including Fresh Lifestyle Magazine. To learn more about Tumika, her books, and her services visit the following websites. and

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